Authors |
Sintsov Gleb Vladimirovich, Doctor of juridical sciences, professor, head of sub-department of provate and public law, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Agutin Aleksandr Vasil'evich, Doctor of juridical sciences, professor, sub-department of prosecutor’s supervision over adherence of laws in operational investigations and prosecutor’s participation in criminal court proceedings, Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation (building 1, 2 Azovskaya street, Moscow, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. At the present time the leading component of the state’s political function is counteracting extremism, the ideology of which is aimed at undermining the fundamental values of the Russian community and the state. Extremism, like rust, may cause severe illness of the spirit. In this regard, extremism can be called a “killer” of the Russian spirituality.Materials and methods. The article describes an analysis of scientific literature on the subject matter.
Results. By authors’ strong opinion, adherence to such extreme views that unfringe upon the society’s fundamental values is a threat to the Russia society and state. The fundamental values of the Russian society and state include such values that maintain spirituality of the Russian nation. Understanding of extremism from the position of the Russian society’s spirituality forms integrity of knowledge about it. The integrity of knowledge about extremism origins is a criteria of its effectiveness.
Conclusions. As one can see, provision of spiritual safety of the Russian nation when counteracting extremism should become a system-forming direction of the Russian state’s political activity. Otherwise any attempts to counteract extremism (separately from the spiritual component of the Russian community) are predestined to fail, as the Russian society’s spirituality is the source (criteria) of not just spiritual safety provision, but safety of lives of Russian fellow citizens themselves. One cannot live without spirit.
Key words |
extremism, countering the Russian people, fundamental values of the political function of the state, culture, Russian community.
References |
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